I’d like to mention once again that my previous FaceBook Pages were hacked in April. I immediately shut them down.
If you receive any messages through Facebook - or any emails from me asking for money, or offering you a fantastic opportunity of any kind, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY, RESPOND OR CLICK ON IT! The message is not from me.
I would never ever do anything like that. I’m hoping that none of my followers have been contacted by the hacker.
If you do receive any message or email that feels a little “off” and have any questions, could you please contact me and let me know?
These are the web address of my new pages. Please follow me so you can keep up to date on a regular basis with news about me and new pieces.
Business: https://www.facebook.com/people/High-Desert-Creations/61557661776084/
Here are what the header of my new pages look like, so you can be sure it is really me!! Click on the image and it will take you to my new Facebook pages